City of Scio| 38957 NW 1st Avenue, PO Box 37 | Scio|Oregon | 97374-0037| Tel: 503-394-3342

Public Works

The Public Works department works diligently to provide water and sewer services to the citizens of Scio. They are also responsible for maintenance of city owned streets. In addition the city is required to assist the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality to reduce the Total Maximum Daily Load of pollutants into Thomas Creek.

Water and Sewer System

Water System

The City relies on two groundwater wells located on the north side of town as city’s drinking water source. The City of Scio has four designated well sites but relies on only two of the wells for the City’s water supply needs. The Two wells are capable of producing 790 gallons per minute combined. The city has one steel reservoir located to the south of town off of Hillside Way that holds 500,000 gallons of water that ensures adequate and required pressures and fire flows to the city. The reservoir and Well #4 were built in 1994 as part of the City’s last waster system upgrade.

Water Quality Reports

The city tests the drinking water as per the State of Oregon requirements. The results of those tests are reported on an annual basis to the citizens through mailing of the annual Water Quality Reports. The 2022 Water Quality Report and reports for the past few years may be accessed in the dropdown.

Sewer System

The sewer system works through gravity. It is the most shallow at the edges of town and deepest at the lift stations. The city has two lift stations, one is located at the pedestrian bridge on Beech street and the other is in the Thomas Creek Estates subdivision. Effluent is pumped from the lift stations to the city’s lagoon system, where it is treated before being discharged into Thomas Creek. When storm water leaks into the sewer system it increases operating costs by increasing the volume of material that needs to be treated. The Public Works staff routinely tv’s the sewer pipes to continue maintenance of the sewer system. The city is currently working on a new Sewer Master Plan which is scheduled to be completed during fiscal year 2018-2019.

Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL)

The City has developed a plan to help reduce pollutants that are deposited into Thomas Creek from the city’s storm water program. The TMDL Plan includes street sweeping, cleaning catch basins, providing pet waste bags in city parks, assisting with an annual cleanup day, among many others. What can you do to help? One of the most practical things that a property owner can do who lives along a streambank like Thomas Creek is to plant vegetation to prevent erosion. A helpful resource is the Guide for Using Willamette Valley Native Plants Along Your Stream. If you see possible pollution issues, please report them.
City of Scio
Controlling Pollution
Reporting possible pollution issues is everyone’s responsiblity. If you think that there is a possible land, air or water pollution, please report it by doing one of the following: Fill out DEQ’s Online Complaint Form Call the DEQ hotline - 1-887-997-7888 Oil Spills - 1-800-452-0311 Noise Complaints - 541-967-3950 Nuisance Odors - 503-229-5376 For additional information about pollution reporting click here.
Reporting Illicit Discharge(s)
Please call the City of Scio at 503-394-3342, if you have an illicit discharge emergency. For additional information about illicit discharge(s) click here.
There is an ever growing need for mankind to become more aware of mercury and the impact it can have on one’s quality of life. Mercury is a natural occurring element found in air, water and soil. Over exposer to mercury, even in small amounts, may cause serious health problems to the unborn child and people of all ages. In an effort to educate our water users we are providing the following Environmental Protection Agency website mercury which gives the reader access to fact sheets and data relating to the subject matter of mercury. What is Mercury Emissions of Mercury into the Air Emission from Power Plants Other Causes of mercury Air Emissions Trends in Air Emissions Mercury Emissions around the Globe Common Exposures to Mercury Health Effects Associated with Exposures to Mercury Ecological Effects of Mercury Exposure Consumer Products that Traditionally Contain Mercury