City of Scio| 38957 NW 1st Avenue, PO Box 37 | Scio|Oregon | 97374-0037| Tel: 503-394-3342

Planning Commission

The City Planning Commission, except as otherwise instructed by Scio City Council, recommends and make suggestions to the council and other public authorities plans for regulating the future growth, development and beautification of the city in respect to its public and private buildings and works, streets, parks, grounds, and vacant lots, and plans consistent with future growth and development of the city. ORS 227.090 The Scio Planning Commission is a seven member committee appointed by the Scio City Council, to make land use decisions on Zoning and Land Use applications for property within the City of Scio. They are responsible for maintaining the Scio Comprehensive Plan and developing other specific plans and ordinances to implement the comprehensive plan policies. The Scio Planning Commission was first established in 1967. At least four of the members must reside in the city limits and the remaining members may live no farther than 3 miles from the city limits. The Planning Commission has completed the update of the 1980 Comprehensive Plan. The Scio Comprehensive Plan was updated through a series of plan amendments. Part 1, was approved by the Scio City Council on April 13, 2015, and covered updates to Chapters 1-6. Part 2, was approved by the Scio City Council on March 14, 2016, and covered updates to Chapters 8-10, 13 & 14. Part 3, was approved by the Scio City Council on April 10, 2017, and covered Chapter 11, Public Facilities. Part 4, was approved by the Scio City Council on February 11, 2019, covered the update to Chapter 12, Transportation. The Comprehensive Plan as currently updated may be found in the links to the left.
Public Hearings No Hearings scheduled at this time.
City of Scio

Planning Commission

Meeting Schedule

Planning Commission meetings are not always necessary on a monthly basis. The next meeting is: TBA Meeting dates and times will be announced when scheduled. Please check back to see when the next meeting is planned.
Beau Buganski
(503) 318-1495
Richard Androes
(541) 619-4361
Katrina Clouse
(503) 856-5905
Ellie Ferguson
(541) 905-6491
Planning Commission Application Planning Commission Application