City of Scio| 38957 NW 1st Avenue, PO Box 37 | Scio|Oregon | 97374-0037| Tel: 503-394-3342
City Hall Hours Monday - Thursday - 8:00 am to 5:00 pm Friday - 8:00 am to 12:00 pm  Saturday - Sunday - Closed

Scio Municipal Code

Municipal ordinances, law that are enacted and enforced by a village, town, city or county government. The following is a list of common topics and the ordinances that govern them.



Ordinance No.

Basketball Hoops Ordinance No. 625 - Basketball Hoops Sidewalks Ordinance No. 624 - Sidewalks Garage Sale Guidelines Ordinance No. 623 - Garage Sale Guidelines Parks & Tree Committee Ordinance No. 620 - Scio Parks & Tree Advisiory Committee Library Advisory Board Ordinance No. 619 - Scio Public Library Board - Advisory Committee By-Laws Parking Standards Ordinance No. 618 - Parking Standards - Zoning Ordinance Amendment Codification Ordinance No. 613 - Scio Muni Code Adoption Flood Hazard Amendment Ordinance No. 612 - Amending Ordinance 579 Scio Flood Hazard Ordinance Public Facilities Ordinance No. 609 - Public Facilities Chapter - Zoning Ordinance Amendment Chickens Ordinance No. 604 - Scio Domestic Chicken Ordinance Drinking Water Ordinance No. 525 - Drinking Water Source Protection Ordinance Flood Hazard Ordinance No. 579 - Flood Hazard Ordinance Jake Brakes Ordinance No. 599 - Jake Brake Ordinance Land Division Ordinance No. 562 - Land Division Ordinance Noise Ordinance No. 591- Noise Regulations Public Events Ordinance No. 501- Public Events Code Vehicle Nuisance Ordinance No. 568 - Vehicle Nuisance Code Wetlands Ordinance No. 594 - Local Wetland Inventory Zoning Ordinance No. 561 - Zoning Ordinance


The following list of resolutions are those that have been approved by the Scio City Council within the past 2 calendar years. Copies of other resolutions may be obtained at Scio City Hall.

2023 Resolutions

23-01 - Appropriating Unanticipated Revenue General Fund 23-02 - Appropriating Unanticipated Revenue General Fund 23-03 - Municipal Fees, Water and Sewer Rates 23-04 - Appropiating Unanticipated Revenue - General Fund 23-05 - Declaring Municipal Services for Fiscal Year 2023-2024 23-06 - Election to Receive State Revenues 23-07 - Adopting & Making Appropriations to the 2023-2024 Fiscal Budget 23-08 - Impose and Categorize Taxes for Fiscal Year 2023-2024 23-09 - Transfering Appropriations within a Fund 23-10 - Appropriating Unanticipated Revenue General Fund 23-11 - Appropriating Unanticipated Revenue General Fund 23-12 - Supplemental Budget - Water Fund 23-13 - Appropriating Unanticipated Revenue General Fund 23-14 - Adopting City Council Rules and Procedures

2022 Resolutions

22-01 - Recipient Federal Coronavirus State Fiscal Recovery Funds Totaling $235,000.00 22-02 - Appropriating Unanticipated Revenue - SFRF - $235,000 - General Fund 22-03 - Appropriating Unanticipated Revenue - $1,565,000 Loan Proceeds - General Fund 22-04 - Appropriating Unanticipated Revenue - Rapid Response/Safe Routes to School Grant - $625,000 - Road Fund 22-05 - Appropriating Unanticipated Revenue - Small City Allotment Grant $100,000 - Road Fund 22-06 - Municipal Fees, Water and Sewer Rates 22-07 - Transfering Apropriations within A Fund 22-08 - Declaring Municipal Servics for Fiscal Year 2022-2023 22-09 - Election to Receive State Revenues 22-10 - Adopting and Making Appropriations to the 2022-2023 Fiscal Budget 22-11 - Impose & Categorize Taxes for Fiscal Year 2022-2023 22-12 - Appropriating Unanticipated Revenue General Fund
City of Scio